
Globals and constants


dateFrom: DateTime
Has to be set by convertDates
dateFromRaw: string
Has to be converted
dateTill: DateTime
Has to be set by convertDates
dateTillRaw: string
Has to be converted
outputDirectory: string
Output path, where all generated files will go
outputFileName: string
Output name (will be: sourceDocxFile & "_" & DATE & ".docx")
sourceDocxFile: string
Source .docx file


tempUnzippedDocumentXml: string = tempWorkingUnzipped & "word/document.xml"
Path to document.xml file in the temporary directory
tempWorkingDir: string = tempDir & "temp-topicdocchanger-files/"
Temporary directory used by this program
tempWorkingUnzipped: string = tempWorkingDir & "unzipped/"
Temporary directory with unzipped template .docx file


dateFormat: string = "yyyy-MM-dd"
Date format used by the json file


proc convertDates() {....raises: [TimeParseError], tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Converts dateFromRaw to dateFrom and dateTillRaw to dateTill
proc setSourceDocument(filepath: string) {....raises: [OSError],
    tags: [ReadDirEffect], forbids: [].}
Sets the source document, errors when it is not found