
Group by:


Includes all global types (basically only the Replacement object). Objects have default values, which means the json does not require all fields, but they should still be in there for maximal customization.


DateRange = object
  starting*, ending*: string = "yyyy-MM-dd" ## Starting and ending dates in, obviously, `yyyy-MM-dd` format
  starting_weekday*: int = 0 ## Week starts at Monday, 0 means not specified - pick the fist-valid day
  day_interval*: int = 7     ## Repeat generation every `x` days
document_date_range json field
Replacement = object
  document_output_directory*: Option[string] = (val: "./output/", has: true) ## Output directory for generated files
  document_source_filename*: Option[string] = (val: "input_document.docx",
      has: true)             ## Template .docx file, that will be used to generate documents
  document_date_range*: Option[DateRange] = (val: (starting: "yyyy-MM-dd",
      ending: "yyyy-MM-dd", starting_weekday: 0, day_interval: 7), has: true)
  participants*: Option[Table[string, seq[string]]] ## Values to replace -> "${`participant_prefix` & `index`} will become `value`"
  name_separator*: Option[string] = (val: ", ", has: true) ## Separators for participant names
  search_strings*: Option[SearchStrings] = (val: (
      starting: (val: "${", has: true), ending: (val: "}", has: true),
      participant_prefix: (val: "PARTICIPANTS_", has: true),
      date: (val: "INSERT_DATE", has: true)), has: true)
Entire replacement object - parsed from json at runtime
SearchStrings = object
  starting*: Option[string] = (val: "${", has: true) ## Start of the replacement string identifier
  ending*: Option[string] = (val: "}", has: true) ## End of the replacement string identifier
  participant_prefix*: Option[string] = (val: "PARTICIPANTS_", has: true) ## Replacement identifier
  date*: Option[string] = (val: "INSERT_DATE", has: true) ## Replacement identifier for the date
search_strings json object


replacement: Replacement = Replacement(document_output_directory: (
    val: "./output/", has: true), document_source_filename: (
    val: "input_document.docx", has: true), document_date_range: (val: (
    starting: "yyyy-MM-dd", ending: "yyyy-MM-dd", starting_weekday: 0,
    day_interval: 7), has: true), name_separator: (val: ", ", has: true), search_strings: (val: (
    starting: (val: "${", has: true), ending: (val: "}", has: true),
    participant_prefix: (val: "PARTICIPANTS_", has: true),
    date: (val: "INSERT_DATE", has: true)), has: true))
Global replacement object